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Old 10-06-2009, 02:19 PM   #34
OVR: 3
Join Date: Nov 2002
Re: NBA Live 10: Online Play Impressions

Originally Posted by Sigma4Life
I think patches are a great thing. I'm a software developer so I completely understand how impossible it is to ship a bug free product. My problem is competent testing should find all obvious bugs. Simply using the product as a customer would prevent deal breaking bugs like no fatigue online. EA's problem isn't with their developers, it's with their testers. They have idiots testing the product and they don't find obvious stuff that sim players care about.

Both games have bugs. The other game is running at a near unplayable framerate. So both of them are going to have issues until they are patched. The devs said in this thread they hope to have the patch out by the end of the month. That is like 3 weeks, not 6 weeks.

Right now, look at the issues with both games, and pick your poison.
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