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Old 10-19-2009, 10:30 AM   #51
Mos1ted's Arena
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Re: Defensive Help Thread: NBA 2K10

Originally Posted by Synchromesh
Does anyone have any advice on how to tone down these ridiculously stupid CPU fastbreak cheeses?

I sometimes have 2-3 defenders back but it's basically like they're not there with the ease with which the AI passes around them, etc.

It's one thing if I turn the ball over and the CPU is on the break but I've had many instances where my the CPU players are just out running all my guys off a missed shot and getting into these fastbreak animations that I have had little success in stopping.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a slider or something I can adjust to help tone down this crap down?
To defend the break, it's all about position. Instead of crashing the boards, have your defense get back on D. Do this by lowering crash board to zero. This limits everyone on your team from trying to go for the offensive board and just focus on getting back down the court to defend the break.

Also on the break, you want to stay neutral if possible between the ball handler and the recipient so that you are in position to defend against any one of them taking the shot. Also, don't be afraid to foul. Fouling is not always a bad thing. It's better to foul the man and make him miss than to give him the easy basket. Make him earn the two at the line. In some situations, it's better to just give them the shot rather than foul. You have to use your basketball IQ to discern when to do what in the given situation.
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