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Old 10-21-2009, 03:39 PM   #138
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Re: NBA 2K10 Patch Details Announced

Originally Posted by Pared
See, I don't agree that locking it is completely worse. What happens when you run into the guy that has astronomical numbers online because he plays 12 minutes, averages 45 ppg offline, and that translates to an insane amount of skill for the user to increase their stats, and thus, their overall? I believe a multiplier is used when calculating skill points.

I think they are screwed either way. Just something we have to consider for this year. If they give us the option to change it, we might just have to be aware of the possible consequences.

...and you guys know damn well there's that one guy who will continually play on 12 minutes, ever game, just to get his guy to a 99.
^^^That is an unreasonable fear, because as it is, you can get your guy to a functional 99 in less than a week on five minute games. So if your concern is for having 99 rated players, fear not fair maiden for that fate is already upon you.

--By functional 99, I mean 99 quickness, 99 speed, 90+ dunk, 90+ shot rating, 90+ handles. You can boost your overall with less important stats like awareness, but we're really talking about someone that plays like a 99.

--As someone addressed in the petition thread, the minutes played between tip off and the final buzzer are irrelevant. You get more points for completing a game than you do within each game. So even if you play GREAT, it's only what, 400-600 extra points depending on height/position. Compared to getting an A+, which earns you 900. Then in a shorter game, the defensive goals are easier, because your man has less time to be effective.

So just puzzle it out, Pared. If X and Y are both playing My Player mode for 40 minutes, but X is playing two full games and Y is playing three quarters and four minutes of the fourth, whose time yields more points?


The guy playing shorter minutes earns more points. This number raises with directly proportionate increase. And keep in mind, we are talking about optimal performance in a lengthy game, not taking into account the people that are lowering their scores with turnovers and bad defense.

The only reason to raise game time is for better sim numbers and a more enriching game-by-game experience. It is actually counter productive to raise your minutes per if you're trying to boost your overall as fast as possible. Post patch: it'll be even faster to raise your overall, because more games played = more drills= more skill points, particularly speed.
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Last edited by Bornindamecca; 10-21-2009 at 03:41 PM.
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