10-21-2009, 05:35 PM
OVR: 26
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: metropolis
there are limitations with the sim engine that would need an attribute, coach profile and tendency overhaul which would ruin the integrity and individual team styles, if you wanted them to be dead on.
Ie: lopez and bosh high reb numbers, kidd too high asts, etc..
the reason bosh and lopez for instance are so high in rebs is simple.
look at their roster.
they are the lone big minute rotation players who rebound.
yeah bosh has evans and johnson but these guys dont get big enough minutes to impact the simmed engine adequately.
im sure if i gave evans and or johnson over 25mpg, boshs reb numbers would drop.
same goes with lopez and his counterparts.
look. i know this roster isnt perfect. not by a long shot. and i will be constantly tweaking and testing all season long. [like i do every year] as i get more and more experienced with the nuances of the game, [and get more findings from the community here.]
but currently im tired of the constant editing. ive done this roster twice over thanks to a save freeze corruption. and its high time i actually start a season or something.
to the poster who asked about the run plays.
from my testing. i think the game and the teams plays better, with more structure when the run play slider is maxed.
they still go on tangeants and freelance a lot anyway. the difference is really subtle.
i decided to do this when i tested the lakers at 100. and they utilised the triangle offense very well and kobe was getting the ball in his spots and dominating.
not every team is 100. the warriors are actually 0.