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Old 10-22-2009, 05:39 PM   #8
OVR: 6
Join Date: Jul 2008
Re: How do you play great defense?

Originally Posted by psumason
I think I just realized that something from your post and reading another thread. I play online dynasties and I have a blast but sometimes the wait can be tedious while some guys travel for work and such so I've now thought of a way to scout the opposing teams (more the CPU vs Human) but should work. Your sentence about the awareness is something that I've never ever looked at. I actually have never gone in and looked at an opposing team's attributes at all, but now I think I'm going to look at them and try to figure out when a QB has an awareness at such and such I should blitz him more often vs sitting back and playing pass protection. To me some QB's get rid of the ball rather quickly (higher awareness) compared to others that will dance in the pocket and take the sack. If I can find that balance and prepare for the upcoming game by doing so it will add that much more fun to the overall gameplay.
Hmmm, that's actually a really good idea.
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