Opening day CAPs Needed...
These are the official NBA Opening Day Missing Caps. Hopefully 2K will place these players in the next update, but in case they dont, please Portlandblazer wave your magic wand and these players will appear:
Lester Hudson
Coby Karl
Rodrigue Beaubois
Brian Cook
Trey Gilder
Marcus Landry
Serge Ibaka
Dante Cunningham
Marcus Haslip
Wes Matthews
Others to consider for later use:
Courtney Sims
Marcus Williams (Arizona)
Mike Harris
Dan Dickau
Chris Richards
Earl Barron
Jared Reiner
Darryl Watkins
Will Conroy
Joe Crawford
Chris Hunter
Andre Barrett
Deron Washington
Dikembe Mutombo
Devin Green
Alexander Johnson
Paul Harris
Goran Suton
Alade Aminu
Last edited by dkemp; 10-27-2009 at 10:05 PM.