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Old 10-29-2009, 06:03 PM   #364
Jeffrey99's Arena
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Re: Forza 3 Discussion...

Originally Posted by Krioniq
I think I can tackle that. Unfortunately I don't think I'll have a chance to touch Forza again until Tuesday (Halloween weekend, and a project due on Monday for my software design class), but I'll definitely give it a shot.
That's cool. I'm in no hurry.

Originally Posted by sportsdude
I'm going to try to make a Blue Jackets car myself, it will be the most tedious paint job I've attempted. I was going to make that logo you posted above as well as the CBJ one. We'll see how it goes.
What do you mean was well as the CBJ one? The actual CB with the hockey stick in the middle? If that's the one your talking about, they haven't actually used that logo for about 3 years now. So just in case you were gonna try and sell it on the store front, it may not sell well due to that.

Originally Posted by Flawless
With so much awesome stuff on the Storefront and the fact you can buy just vinyl groups this time around, I don't have a ton of motivation to create my own stuff.
I agree 100%. Now that you don't have to buy a complete paint job, it really doesn't interest me much in trying to make my own. Unless it's something that either is horribly wrong on the store front or isn't up there yet.
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