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Old 11-06-2009, 01:08 PM   #233
PrettyT11's Arena
OVR: 17
Join Date: Jul 2008
Re: NBA 2K10 Patch Available, Post Impressions Here (360)

Originally Posted by sambf12
but do i need to use the official 2k roster? or is it fixed using a custom roster with the patch (nogsters)?
No it applies to the game. It doesn't matter what roster you use every thing is available for any player.

Originally Posted by DC
Anyone with a name sake package has their package "hardcoded" into their player DNA whether or not they were ASSIGNED the package or not

Which new animations have you seen and from who?
Originally Posted by Whoman
Never understood the issue as all players had their package hardcoded to them anyways ...
Sorry fellas but they where not hard coded into the players DNA. I tested it many times. Some players where but not everybody. Some of the bigs like Duncan did not have thier package at all.

Also the very second you edited one of the players that didn't have thier package set in the edit and was coded in was changed to whatever it showed on the edit screen. They where not HARDcoded at all. I tested it many times. Derrick Rose had D. Wade's dunk package coded in the game but the very second I edited him it changed to the althetic guard package that it showed in the edit screen. Same thing happened to Josh Smith. He had his packaged coded in but as soon as I edited his ball handling it became Dwight's dunk package. That's why the where changing the packages every since the first roster update.
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