11-07-2009, 07:51 AM
Yellow n Black
OVR: 16
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Australia
Posts: 926
Re: Maybe I will give 2k10 a go
The truth is you just have to accept 2k10 for what it is no matter what sliders you apply. The sliders do not do enough to cover the elements that are just too poorly implemented.
The pro stick still needs work as it all too often feels wooden and obstructive to use, especially when trying to take shots under pressure. For some reason the players won't respond to the controller input in certain situations and it just feels too clumsy to feel like you can be an offensive threat with any consistency.
It can be difficult set up in the offensive zone even on a powerplay and too often you have to hurry shots off and the pro stick aiming is not very good.
Defense is a real dissapointment as trying to take control of your guys often has then stopping, spinning or sliding out of position. The cpu ai are too good at stick lifts and poke checks and it feels unbalanced. Sliders can help even it up a bit but I am still yet to find something I am content with. It seems silly to me that you have to take your fingers off the stick to let animations play out in order to get the best control of your guy. There must be a better way to program the game than this.
I dunno, for some reason I feel 2k9 handled better than 2k10 in some areas especially with the skating backwards and stopping from a backwards skate. This year it just feels clumsy. EA's game is way smoother and the skill stick is very responsive.
The good stuff is the messy play and the puck physics. Maybe the patch can do some good to rectify issues that badly need addressing. Still, I feel a little misled by 2k in the very little info they gave out before release that this game plays so much better than 2k9. I just don't really feel that. They play pretty similar with some changes in 2k10's favour but it was not the drastic improvement I was expecting.
Enjoy the sliders, you will definitely get a different hockey experience to NHL 10 which I agree has become stale.
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