11-12-2009, 01:16 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Florida
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Good points. I hope EA actually listens to its consumers and really makes an effort to bring the college atmosphere to life because it's sorely lacking in the 360/PS3 games.
There's only going to be so much done, gameplay wise, because of the time crunch the developers are under. Everyone that says to put in a new engine; that's not going to happen. It'd take way too long and from what the EA guys have said, it's not in the plans as they are just working off what they already have.
I think the best bet at this point, in terms of on-field, is for the developers to just focus on getting the basics down and add in a few things mentioned in the article.
To me, the NCAA series will sell itself more on presentation than gameplay. It's clear EA has the capabilities to give us more, as witnessed by NCAA Basketball, so let's see if they can really bump up the presentation aspects in NCAA 11.