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Old 11-12-2009, 12:44 PM   #8
OVR: 13
Join Date: Jun 2007
Re: No ability to play any game on schedule - CONFIRMED

Originally Posted by jpeters18
Well I understand its fun to play as your favorite team. I'll be playing as Nebraska, but I'm also a big North Carolina fan. And yes, it would be awesome if I could jump into any NC game I wanted (especially the Duke game) and play.

I just don't agree with people totally blowing this game off because it doesn't have this feature. Would it be nice to have it? Yes. Will I still get it and probably really enjoy the game?? You bet!

Sorry... I just can't stand all the 'dramatic posts'... thats all....

Its not merely a case of this game not having it. Its that it hasnt had it for a while and people have grown weary of hearing it doesnt have it year after year and whatever accompanying excuses, which generally involve "we wanted to make X,Y, and Z better so we had to ignore this -- AGAIN!" Theres a cumulative affect that wears on people hearig the same feeble excuse making year after year. People also dont want to pay for EAs past sins. Presentation should have been a given just by virtue of purchasing a next gen machine. At this stage in the game people feel the game should be better and they resent paying $60 currently for a game that is just now where it should have been several years ago. Thats like paying $60 for a $30 game to many people.
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