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Old 11-12-2009, 04:41 PM   #62
Cade Cunningham
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Re: Five Essential Fixes for NCAA Football 11

Originally Posted by jusmegamer
Once again, I can see giving you guys variable game speeds, but the default game speed should stay the same. The game speed is the one thing that they have correct. College sports are more frantic than Pro, that's just the truth. You guys wanting the speed knocked down so it will play like Madden are totally missing the point.
Most people don't understand this concept. NFL players ARE faster than college players but the difference between a fast NFL player and a slow one is not that big. The difference between a fast college player and a slow one can be huge. That gives the college game the perception that it's faster sometimes which is why I agree that NCAA should play fast. Fast (and sometimes small) RBs can excel in NCAA but rarely do in the NFL since it's more of a power running league.

I personally found the Slow speed on Madden really slow. But options makes everyone happy (offline at least).
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