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Old 11-19-2009, 12:23 PM   #647
kpkpkp's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Providence, RI
Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

Originally Posted by jinc1019
I agree. Ultimately, we are the customers here and for them to ignore so many of the features we wanted is beyond ridiculous....The only thing this year's Madden and this year's MLB2K prove is that FREE MARKETS work and markets that are altered do not. If you don't like NBA 2k, you can go buy NBA LIVE. If you do not like NHL 10, you can go buy NHL2K. If you don't like MLB2K, you have to go spend $300.00 on a ps3, which is honestly worth it just for MLB 10.....and finally, if you do not like Madden, well too bad....because that's all there is. I doubt very much that EA would do such a poor job if they knew we could all go buy 2K's version of football instead.
The putrid MLB 2K series really breaks my heart as a baseball lover. (Who only owns a 360.)

Every year for the last 3 years I've spent money on their games only to be dissapointed. (Though the last two years, knowing the "trend" they were on, I bought it used for $30 both times.)

Not since MLB 2K5 have I had a decent ball game to play.

Freezing, DL lists that dont work, ERA not calculated correctly, Players who were demoted and re-promoted loosing their real life avatar appearance. (David Ortiz turned into a chubby white white guy in my franchise, so did any player who went on a DL stint.) (I wish I was making this up!)

And they never fixed any of it!

If you think community communication and patch releases are bad here.... You have'nt seen anything untill you've dealt with 2K forums and their games.

If whoever is on the dev team for the MLB 2K series still has their jobs, I'll loose all faith in humanity.

EDIT: I actually went out and bought a used original Xbox and MVP 2005, for a total of $40 last year after the debacle that was MLB 2k8. And thought maybe just maybe they would get it right with 2K9. But nope.... Still playing MVP '05 with downloaded CAP rosters. Pathetic 2K... seriously.

Last edited by kpkpkp; 11-19-2009 at 12:26 PM.
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