11-19-2009, 06:34 PM
Hall Of Fame
Re: Madden 10: AskMadden Tip of the Week
Wouldn't this be offensive pass interference on #29 if we were mirroring the NFL?
#29 ran into the DB, impeding his path. I didn't think receivers could do that to DBs, especially intentionally. This wasn't incidental coverage or the WR routes causing the DBs to interfere with their own man coverage (a true rub route combination), or using the umpire as a "pick".
Also, why didn't the DB just follow the receiver across the formation? Why was he charging in like a blitz? If he was playing bump coverage, why is he 3 yds off the receiver? Hard to jam a guy when you're 12 feet away from him.
That seems more like bad pathing more than a true pick/rub play. There are plays in Madden set up like that (Curls Attack is one. There's a flood right play where two WR are running outs at different levels and one WR running deep - if they are playing Dime/Dollar man, it can rub them).