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Old 12-08-2009, 02:02 PM   #1
EA SPORTS Community Mgr.
Dewiel's Arena
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Roster and Ratings Updates Schedule for Madden NFL 10

For those looking ahead at roster and ratings updates for Madden NFL 10, here’s the current plan:

Week 14: Friday December 11, 2009.
Wild Card Weekend: Friday January 8, 2010
Super Bowl Weekend: Friday February 5, 2010

As we have mentioned before, if the Madden team determines that major changes have occurred in an off week of our plan, we will make an unscheduled update.

As the team is already knee deep in the next game, I know that spreading these updates out is not the ideal scenario for many fans. Please know that we do continue to monitor the forums, for both general comments as well as ratings and roster suggestions. We realize that with ratings changes, it is impossible to make everyone happy … just as we know that not everyone is going to be happy with the schedule that I outlined above.

Many of you pointed out that more than anything else, you simply wanted us to let you all know what the schedule was going to be. That is the purpose of this post. I can tell you that moving forward, we are looking at a few different plans for how rosters and ratings will be handled. Some of that planning is based specifically off of ideas that have been suggested right here in the forums. More on that as we get into the off-season.


Nate Lundy
Madden NFL Team
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