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Old 12-08-2009, 11:06 PM   #92
OVR: 12
Join Date: Oct 2009
Re: NBA Live 10 Patch #2 Available For 360, Post Impressions Here

Originally Posted by jdareal21
I hate to sound like a prick but if I do, oh well. The bottomline is, no fix, or patch can stop the way somebody plays. If someone chooses to cheese, it's difficult to do anything about that.

Take for instance, the Steve Nash, Mo Williams 3 pt cheeser. Now, if they only shoot a reasonable amount of 3's, within the flow of the offense, you WILL see something close to real life percentages. On the other hand, if they choose to shoot 70 3's with those guys, what is the game supposed to do about that? They're good shooters in real life, so a good amount of those probably will go in, you can't punish the ratings system because someone abuses it.

Run some double teams, try different matchups but most importantly, when they miss, make sure you don't. I guarantee you, the game will be much closer now than it was pre-patch. They HAVE addressed it, but they still have to stay true to the player's abilities. If someone chooses to abuse that, it's not the developers fault, it's the fault of that 12 year old kid who only knows how to win that way, and that's who you should be angry with. Not everyone wishes to play sim, even if we do
I gotta agree with you said. I'm watching the Cavs play the Grizzlies in real life right now , Mo and Gibson ARE launching and hitting them 3's and quite a few of them with people in the grill, commentator just mentioned that Williams went 7 for 7 from the land of plenty just the other night. How is the game supposed to work that out? The only thing I can say is just make sure you crash the boards and like you said, don't miss on your possession. I don't play with ANY of the elite 3 shooters, never had never will, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I wonder what would happen if someone actually threw up 70 3's with these guys in "the other game". We assume an outcome but has anyone actually played anyone who actually did that with these guys in the "other game"?
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