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Old 12-20-2009, 10:01 PM   #60
Resident film pundit
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Re: Actress Brittany Murphy dies at 32 of heart attack

Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
no dont say a word, i thought she pulled off a good nutcase.
I thought she was good there too, but I haven't seen the movie in a while. Plus I wouldn't say I "love" her as a nutcase.

I just seriously hope that for once there isn't "more to the story." I hope that these causes were as natural and unexpected as can be... that is, aside from that anorexic look she began developing around the end of her life.

As far as I'm concerned, this news hasn't spread around too much yet. I'd say her roles were well known and her name would strike as familiar to some people, though not everyone may have been able to put two-and-two together. I guess as long as they showcase her best work, people may be able to see a little more of what she's done.

(this is all assuming this was less than a drug problem)
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