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Old 12-26-2009, 05:16 PM   #6
OVR: 6
Join Date: Sep 2008
Re: All-Madden, should be All-Maddening

When I first get madden I start up a franchise in rookie and play the preseason on that difficulty, to get to know the playbook and any controller changes. Then I play the first season in pro. If I win the superbowl I up it to all-pro. Then after a couple of seasons of that I play all-madden. So by the time I play all-madden I have a pretty decent team put together. But now I have officially put the game away.

I tried tweaking sliders. I put up the catching and dropped the pass accuracy from 25 to 20. but all my passes where going everywhere! It was stupid.

Unfortunately playing offline isn't that much of an option. I have a decent internet speed, it won't cope with online play. Most of the time my connection drops out on my wireless network.

It would have been nice for the devs to have checked out the best sliders put out there and reset the rookie, pro, all-pro and all-madden difficulties based on them in the latest patch. I feel like I'm cheating by tweaking them...
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