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Old 01-01-2010, 03:33 PM   #378
OVR: 4
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Belgium
Re: NBA Live 10 Patch #2 Available For 360 & PS3, Post Impressions Here

The difference in (help) defense between CPU and User strikes me on All-Star level. When I try to free a player (via plays), a lot of times the CPU will stick to my players. When the CPU does the same, they seem to be able to free a player very easily.

Same for steals: CPU gets more steals than me (by intercepting passes). Manual steals by pressing the steal button very often result in a foul, even with great players like Bryant.
There is no way that the help defense on All-star is the same for CPU and user, not in 100 years.

Fouls: all the CPU has to do is go the rim and very often a foul is called on me. When I go to the rim, the shot is contested but a foul is called a lot less for the User. Conclusion: the CPU has a clear foul advantage on All-Star level.

Forgot to say that I'm in a franchise with the Lakers and I've seen these things against teams like the Thunder, the Knicks and the Pistons, so we're far from talking about the elite CPU teams.

Conclusion: not only do I still have a lot of work to do, but I have the feeling that some things simply are not fair. I do think that the CPU FG percentages are more fair now due to the sliders, but some things that I mentioned above are not fair (or not as fair as the "default" sliders for CPU and User seem to indicate).
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