01-05-2010, 12:53 AM
OVR: 21
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 2,399
Any paranormal things you believe in?
I'm a huge paranormal fan, and I love to hear stories and scare myself, but I don't think ghosts or aliens exist.
Although I've heard some convincing stories about ghosts, I'm a person that must see it to believe it. The most convincing story I heard is about my aunt and this nurse she used to work with at the hospital. She was able to see dead people, and they had two patients. Patient A was already dying and all that junk, and the family was already informed that she wouldn't have that much time left. And Patient B was very healthy. The nurses were all telling each other to say good bye to Patient A because she would die soon, but this nurse I'm talking about said that they were all wrong. Patient B would be dying. And hse said it's because she saw a lot of the ghosts in the hospital flocking into his room kind of to help him cross to the next level or something. I heard she did this alot and freaked a lot of the co-workers out. She is from the Philippines.
As for aliens, I think they exist since the galaxy is HUGE but I don't think it's the type of aliens that people believe in. I think humans are still on top of the "dominance chain" but only because of what I read in the Bible, but we won't get into any of that.
Do you guys believe in any paranormal things or have any stories if you actually experienced it yourself? I'm interested to hear some stories.