01-05-2010, 07:06 PM
Resident film pundit
OVR: 55
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Elk Grove, CA
Posts: 42,511
Re: Gran Turismo 5 Trailer Features Rome, Madrid Circuits
I feel I desperately need the wheel with this game, but I just don't have the... available resources for it (money, time, devotion, or life).
Samsung PN60F8500 PDP / Anthem MRX 720 / Klipsch RC-62 II / Klipsch RF-82 II (x2) / Insignia NS-B2111 (x2) / SVS PC13-Ultra / SVS SB-2000 / Sony MDR-7506 Professional / Audio-Technica ATH-R70x / Sony PS3 & PS4 / DirecTV HR44-500 / DarbeeVision DVP-5000 / Panamax M5400-PM / Elgato HD60