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Old 01-07-2010, 01:41 AM   #20
Uncle Stumpy
OVR: 4
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Blog Entries: 3
I've lost all respect for Tiger. As far as I'm concerned he and Arod are like two peas in a pod. He's a coward who worries more about how he looks in the public eye than his own family.

Had he been like Jeter and played the party lifestyle and slept around with anything that moved, that would be ok if he was single. He's not.

Will be soon enough though.

Why should any company be loyal to him when he can't be bothered to his own family?

If it was one woman I'd be willing to forgive him. Everyone makes mistakes. When the number women he allegedly slept with hits double digits, add to the fact he didn't use protection, I say he's used his "get of jail free pass twenty times over."

He's not sorry that he hurt his wife or his loved ones. He's only sorry he got caught.

This whole episode just goes to prove he is a very very stupid man who really needs someone to help him pull his head out of his rear end.
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