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Old 01-07-2010, 05:19 PM   #33
Icarus2k9's Arena
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Re: Madden Ultimate Team Fact Sheet, Release Date and "How To" Video

Originally Posted by DEFTFUNDAMENTALZ
Yeah, it seems to be a lot harder to grind out some coins. 1500 for a silver pack. For me that would take close to 5 games maybe more. I really wish there was a subdivision for "Coin Only" players. No fun playing against some little kid who has been buying platinum packs all day.
It takes me about the same. Or I could just pay 40p (70 cents? under 100 gamer points?) to buy a pack, which is peanuts.

Including "coin only" would be ideal, and your team would be "coin only" if no cards in your deck were bought (little coin symbol in corner to show you which is which?). But that kind of destroys the point of the content - a way to get some extra money from this year's Madden franchise, in the same way not allowing you to edit franchise stats was so you may buy the accelerators. That's not bashing them, BTW, just saying sometimes business plans can hold back products.

On a positive note, two bronze teams against each other, just like two bronze teams on FIFA, is some of the best fun I've had out of Madden. Game problems aside, you get the feeling these matchups are how some people would prefer the top teams to play in the proper game - QB mistakes, sacks and a real need to understand what each player does well.
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