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Old 01-09-2010, 02:34 PM   #21
Earlwolfx on XBL
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Re: NCAA much pressure?

Originally Posted by Kingfish
As has been said, no competition AND there is a vast majority of people will buy it regardless as long as it is passable to the average consumers(or his/her Mom).

Until a competitor arrives on the scene OR enough people prepare to NOT buy for a season or two, nothing will change. After buying everything up to 06 I took a break for a couple of seasons and was repaid by NCAA 2009

SOOOO, I am waiting another few years OR at least until the masses here agree its worth the more Midnight purchases for me anyway!
Ok your whole reasoning is flawed. NCAA has not had real competition since PS1 days. NCAA hit its stride in about 2005, it was well received, it had no competition, and it sold a ton of copies.

Madden 06-09 were not well received and did not sell well and people were fired. NCAA 07-10 were not well received and are not selling very good. Perhaps you can connect the dots.

If NCAA 11 does not get good reviews and sell well, I guarantee you people will get fired.
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