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Old 01-14-2010, 04:24 PM   #1
OVR: 3
Join Date: Aug 2009
360 Thumb stick Dead zones Your Thoughts?

One of the things that immediately struck me while testing Madden 10 over an extensive period time was how large the thumb stick dead zones are.

When directing a player to move, or even moving the reply camera around It kind of goes like this:

...move a little bit... nothing happens. press a little more... nothing still... little more... nothing.

Almost move the thumb stick to its extents... ahh there finally some movement.

I miss the older football games where you could barely move the thumb stick and your player would start to creep-step a little. Move more and he would walk. A little more and you'd get a trott -and so on.

Have any of the patches addressed this yet? My 360 controller is in good working order.

Try switching to another sports game, then go back to Madden 10. Does it feel a little sloppy to you?

I know the "feel" of it frustrates the hell out of me and makes me not want to play.

Your thoughts...?
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