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Old 02-05-2010, 03:59 PM   #4
Dudd's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Apr 2006
Re: Backbreaker Dev Diary #1

AI looks like it needs some work, the pass defenders don't even attempt to make a play on the ball unless it's thrown right at them. I was hoping that with a full physics engine it would make things like that easier, just set both the defender and a receiver into pass catch mode and let the physics simulate the rest, but defenders stopping and moving away from the catch is a worrying sign. It's especially horrible at the 3:15 mark, it looks like both defenders try to move to the closest point on the ball's path despite the fact that the ball would be long gone by the time they reach that point, and it opens up tons of separation for the receiver. All the pretty tackling in the world is for naught if players don't accurately react to what is happening around them.
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