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Old 02-06-2010, 09:34 PM   #4
lnin0's Arena
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Re: Forza Motorsport’s Dan Greenawalt Interview

I don't see where he says the are going to focus on the racing? At least not in that snippet above (which is all the Dan Greenwalt I can handle). I come away with exactly the opposite.

Basically he is saying, we have a big following of race fans and we are not trying to make them happy - we want to turn the game into something for everyone even it that means stripping out anything and everything that the competitive racing enthusiast originally look to our title for.

He calls this evolution when it is clearly devlolution that he is referring to.

If you have to turn a game inside out to get a million more people to like it then it sounds to me like you don't know what you are doing. Sure, you might have some new buyers but you don't have the same game or the fans that originally loved the series and what it stood for. Dan loves to pat himself on the back but the real pat on the back would be for keeping the game true to itself - keeping it about competitive racing - and yet still drawing new players into that experience somehow.
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