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Old 02-09-2010, 01:28 PM   #84
Trevytrev11's Arena
OVR: 19
Join Date: Nov 2006
Re: Major League Baseball 2K10: MLB Developer Insights - Pitchers vs. Hitters Part I

Originally Posted by m-dogg
the only problem with this "1-to-1" pitching control mechanic, is if I do the same thing wrong every time I throw a cutter (which is what human users do) - I can just adjust by aiming higher for example and still pinpoint my pitches.

There was a pitch last year that I had no idea what I was doing wrong (no analyzer), but all i had to do was adjust my aiming and I could paint corners with it all game. lame. while the theory behind what they are doing is great, it removes the randomness that I want from my pitches. I just wish they would give us a control slider to increase the randomness of final pitch location in an incremental radius. lets face it, no human is going to mess up a pitch gesture differently every time. its always going to be the same issue if you have one at all...leading to the same locations for the most part.

but I do like having a hitting analyzer...makes you believe they have corrected all of the "ball going right through the bat" for a strike that we've seen from 2k. at least I hope so, otherwise its gonna look real bad when the analyzer breaks down why a perfectly timed swing resulted in a strike out!
Regardless you would still have to be consistant with your missed gesture.

In real life if you are missing a little, you make an adjustment to get the pitch where you need it to be. You pick a slightly different spot to initially aim your pitch at. If you start your curve at the hitters shoulder to get it to break over the middle of the plate and you are missing away all day, you start adjusting your spot and now maybe throw it at his helmet to hit your location. There's a bit of trial and error until you lock down your target.

I see this as basically accomplishing the same thing. You either make an adjustment to your location (your pinpoint) or your mechanics (your gesture). One of these (or a combination of both) should help you get your ball to where you need it to be.

Regardless, to get consistant results, you have to be consistant. Even if you are consistantly off in one direction, you're making an adjustment to counter act that. Like golf, you adjust your aim to account for your natural draw/fade. Even on a day with a ton of slice, you can still continuously hit fairways just by adjusting your aim.

Also, it seems like the gesture spot this year is much smaller, which means you're going to have to be more exact, which means it's more likely you will miss in both directions or consistantly in one direction to different degree's.
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