I'm just incapable of doing this. I have tried both pro and allstar and I just can't keep the CPU from scoring fairly quickly. I've fiddled with Sliders, mostly branching off of Pared's, but I even tried playmakers (uggh, guys were tired in 3 minutes and it was a turnover and clank fast, just ugly basketball, not my thing) and I still struggle to stop the CPU. They consistently find players under the rim for easy baskets. I have trouble stopping the ballhandler and if I play off ball it seems my AI guys lose track of their man on cuts. As a result of them scoring so many baskets, I end up playing fast too, so I can catch up or stay ahead. I have no confidence in my or my teammates ability to get a stop, so my strategy is to have as many possessions as possible to keep my offense up as well. I see people talking about having sliders for the CPU shooting (and the user) as low as 42 and I just don't enjoy that. I want to stop the CPU because I played good defense, not because the sliders are lowered enough that they just miss shots. Open shots should generally be knocked down, by both user and CPU. That's the philosophy I go by with the sliders and level I play on. I've tried messing around with defensive assist, that right stick stuff, defensive awareness, help defense, etc. but in the end the CPU is going to drop between 105-120 points on me every game. I lead the league in scoring at 111 ppg but my defense gives up 107, and that's with 3 or 4 simmed games that were 85-80 type games. So I'm at a loss. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that for whatever reason I'm just not good at defense. Maybe it is the reflexes in getting older (36), but it is really frustrating. I'll even have quarters where I stop the CPU (usually the 1st) and they may only get 10 or 15, but inevitably they will later have a quarter where they drop 40 on me.