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Old 02-18-2010, 11:32 AM   #510
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HealyMonster's Arena
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Re: *** Lost: Season 6 (Final Season) ***

Originally Posted by ASB37
Another thing I'm wondering about the "rules", is how exactly they coincide with the rules that Widmore and Ben referred to. In general the character of Ben totally confuses me, first he was intended to be on for a few episodes, then he's giving this huge push and important role, now he seems to be totally clueless and helpless.

I'm not necessarily complaining as Michael Emerson has delivered some of the best acting on the show, but as a character Ben's importance doesn't seem consistant at all to me.

it doesn't, but same goes for a bunch of people. I mean the "almighty" Ben Alpert is now running around the island like a scared little girl. Others like widemore, desmond/penny, walt, etc haven't even appeared this season yet (I know desmond on the plane), but they were all perceived to be major players and have had no significance this season yet.

1 theory I play with is that the reason all of these people are now "out of sorts" is because something happened that wasnt supposed to happen. Something like ben killing jacob, or something like that. I mean all of these people we high and mighty and now Ben is essentially "lost" the others are in turmoil, widemore is off the island doing god knows what. we will know for real here in the next few weeks but there is a deliberate reason for bens recent "demotion"
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