Thread: NCAA 11 Info
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Old 02-19-2010, 05:32 PM   #68
stoncold32's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Re: NCAA 11 Info

Originally Posted by IRISHFBFAN2
The NCAA team acts like , oh hell, we got to make this damn game again. I am jealous of the madden team. Don't get me wrong, I love and play both games every year but really and truly college football is my first love.

I would think that a company would want to make both games great! Double the sales! And one thing EA should never do is the marketing thing with turning in your NCAA disclaimer for money off to put towards madden when it comes out a month later. THIS IS BULL! They are essentially saying, "here is a game you can play before madden comes out, it ain't worth a sh** but don't worry, we are giving you a discount if you turn this piece of crap in for a real game" WORST MOVE IN MARKETING HISTORY HANDS DOWN! You just made my NCAA game CHEAP! and this pisses me off! Make the damn game so good that you want to keep it, FOREVER, and then when madden comes out buy it too, keep it FOREVER! Tired as hell at the way they treat NCAA, I wish you could report this to local officials calling it abuse, maybe then a game for the most loved sport in the country (college football) would get some love.

Quit mistreating NCAA EA. We all know you know how to make a good football game, quit mistreating NCAA and show it some love. Not only would the game itself get some love from the fans, but you too, EA, just may get some love yourself! That is just the thing the Doctor would order for you, especially with all the License thing going on and the consumers view on that, as well as the Kellar incident We have been behind you EA, and we go to bat for you when the 2K fans bash you. Now, give us something back, WE WANT A DAMN GOOD NCAA 11 FOOTBALL GAME, AND WE DEMAND IT!

Wait, arent you the guy who's been supporting this game so much so that you got banned?

Looks like a different variation of the name.....anyway, I am in TOTAL agreement with what you said this time.

Yeah, that "trade in NCAA for x-amount off Madden" stinks and tells us all we need to know. I dont see why they want to get Madden sales up so's not like it has any competition anyway. So it's gonna sell what it sells.

But seriously, I wanna know what happened to the people who used to work on this game back in the day. Thy obviously are not still doing so. Or either they are still relegated to PS2

Last edited by stoncold32; 02-19-2010 at 05:39 PM.
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