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Old 02-27-2010, 09:23 PM   #3
OVR: 4
Join Date: Dec 2005
Re: Getting Tackle Animations to look MUCH better

I got it working near perfect, for my preference. Tackle between 0-30 for all players is the sweet spot.

Heres all the changes Ive made to the game, from an updated puja franchise file:

jump +27% except Oline, qb, k, p, and d line,
speed +25%, -25, -10 more for qbs (+25% then -25 stretches speed variation).
composure + 27
agility - 30, -%5, -5%, -20 more for qbs
pass acc -40
pass str +27%
Leadership +27
agg +27% (except CBs, Oline and QB)
passrush +27 all D positions
str +27%
Tackle - 40, -20%, -5%,-5%,-5%,-5%, then -8 for all = 0-30 range, where a ratting of 22 would = 90, and 30=100
For each draft class make these above changes as well as C,G, T, DT, DE str +10 before changing str up 27%.

The most important changes are to tackle, composure, str, agg, and agility. If anyone is interested I will explain why.
I get a smarter, more varied, AI and swarming defenses with these settings. Also, the tackle animations are insanely better to me. Agility lowered makes the cut animation appear much more frequently, rather than the runner swiveling.

The one thing I havent figured out is how to make passrushers hit the QB instead of stop rushing when they start to pass. If i get that fixed, things look perfect to me. Just a few slider tweaks left.

Last edited by MUSS; 03-07-2010 at 05:47 PM.
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