03-02-2010, 07:41 PM
I really want to like this game...
So, I can admit I'm not the biggest basketball fan on the planet. I loved NBA 2K back on the Dreamcast, but didn't really play it much after my Hornets moved away.
Really started to get more into the NBA again this year. I've played a few of the games in the series on the newer platforms, but not until 2K10 have I really sat down with the game and tried really get into it.
So I rented 2K10, and it looks great, the presentation is amazing, NBA Today is awesome, and I'm getting really pumped. What ensues is the most frustrating experience I can remember having with a sports game.
I know basketball is about moving the ball to get a good look. I watch my Bobcats do this all the time. It's how they play. So, I try it, but I can't find good shots without running any kind of plays. My AI friends don't seem to be very good with the whole improvisation thing. So, I try to run plays, but they only work some of the time.
Half the time my guy won't get on top of the circle to start the play because he's hopping back and forth from behind it to in front of it. When guys set screens half the time they never work and the play is blown..there's 5 seconds to shoot, and I get a bad look or a turnover.
On top of this, half the time when I run a perfect play, somebody like Kobe misses a layup. It seems like I can't hit shots after the first 5 possessions in this game. Again, maybe it's a frustration issue, I don't know.
But the CPU seems unstoppable. I'm using some sim sliders from the slider section and playing on All-Pro. But I was having these issues with Playmakers pro sliders... and the difficulty feels identical. The other team is just unstoppable. I have no idea how to play defense. If the opposing player wants to blow right by me, all he does is go to the basket. I have no idea how to deny space like the CPU denies me.
Are there any type of pointers you basketball vets can offer me? I used to play the sport both organized and pickup. I understand the basic strategies and the positional responsibilities of each person on the floor. I just don't understand how to play this game, I guess... and it's incredibly frustrating because I really want to like it.