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Old 03-04-2010, 09:36 AM   #17
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Money99's Arena
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Re: NHL2K11 being worked on - Motion Cap pics

Originally Posted by Flyermania
Not hard to catch EA? I totally disagree...2k's fanbase has been deteriorating for years. Inferior releases, reoccurring bugs, and non-existent marketing has dug the grave -- and 2k themselves had the shovel.
So hard to disagree with this point.
EA's fanbase is very strong. Go into the EA forum here and you'll see lots of people who've never watched a hockey game claim NHL10 to be game of the year in their household.

EA's been able to capture the fun that NHL94 generated.

2K has a very steep uphill battle if they return to next-gen with 2K12.
But like Flyermania, I have severe doubts we'll ever see another hockey game from Take-Two on either the PS3 or 360.

It's really a shame. 2K10 was a good game. It needed some polish but much like MLB2K9, it was a strong base to build off of. Just look at MLB2K10. That could have been NHL2K11.

It seems almost impossible to believe that at one time 2K was the King of the rink. Sales, reviews, fanbase, it had EA in a corner and was pummeling it.
Then next-gen came and 2K did nothing to capitalize on it. EA comes out with Skill Stick and it's all over.
How many different control schemes did 2K have between 2K7 and 2K10? I think it was different every year. That destroys a fan base. Especially when the competition has something so intuitive and fun.

Oh well. It is what it is. I'll rent 2K11 for my kids Wii but chances are, I'll probably never own another 2K hockey game on my PS3 or 360.
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