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Old 03-06-2010, 07:53 PM   #6
OVR: 1
Join Date: Aug 2009
Re: Generated Draft Classes #@$%^&@ suck.

ive never imported, but if its that much worse than the generated...
then damn...
that sucks.

Originally Posted by kcarr
While there aren't DEs that directly convert to OLBs instantly they can fill in for pass rushers for a year and can quickly improve in coverage areas to be decent LBs within a couple years. Their overall may drop quite a bit at first but really if they have potential then with the current system it is way to easy to convert player in my opinion even though the conversions aren't as instant as they should be in some situations. The game really needs to move towards the potential for every individual rating like it had in HC09 so we can really see more variety in player types.
i tried converting my DE to OLB and simmed a few years, but he still only progressed 2 points every year in coverage.

but he did get 20 sacks in his 2nd year, which is way better than the embarrassing 2 sacks his rookie year at DE.
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