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Old 03-15-2010, 08:03 AM   #8
OVR: 17
Join Date: Feb 2003
Blog Entries: 10
Re: Radie420's Player DNA Request Thread

Thanks for the kind words...

I will put all those guys on the list.

As for a timetable.. I am not sure... I am trying to make thiese as accurate as possible and I am not fully familiar with the ratings just yet. I didnt have the internet for the first 10 days that I had this game (recently moved) and I am still hooked on My Player (just over 300 games played) and a recent XBL Arcade game (Toy Soldiers).. those are reasons that I am a little behind in my knowledge of the rating system but once I get up to speed I should be good to go and will post players as they are done.

I am thinking that I will cheat a little and just give all pitchers one of two batting attribute sets... One for NL Starters and another for NL Relievers and all AL Pitchers... Unless of course there is some reason for me to make an exception (a Dontrelle Willis or Mike Hampton).

I might have to cheat with some of the pitchers batting stances too, though I am holding out hope.. A good example is Igarashi.. who knows when a pic or video of him batting will pop up? But we'll see.

I am pretty happy with how Igarashi looks.. I wish there was better facial hair options, but I can deal with that... but some of the little details kill me.. like the finger.. for some reason 2K10 took out the finger sleeve on the glove... also, I was hoping I could cheat the game into changing the laces on the mitts like you can cheat NHL10 to use team color logos on Goalie equipment, by switching the player to a Catcher (the only Mitt to have lace color option) and then setting it and then switching positions back, but that didnt work.

Some more info on Igarashi... off the top of my head...
  • Fastball - 96 mph (his averages last year in Japan) - 42%
  • Splitter - 90 mph - 33%
  • Curveball - 86 mph -13%
  • Slider - 88 mph - 12%
All of his pitches range from 77 -61 for Control as he has some control issues.. I havent put in the other pitching stats yet though so I dont have an accurate reading on him yet.

Will work on this in the next day or so and hopefully will have a few complete and will have done some work on others.
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The Photographic Side of NCCAA11. It has now become an OS staple for several games.
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