Substance Abuse idea for Madden
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03-19-2010, 12:50 AM
OVR: 7
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Re: Substance Abuse idea for Madden
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I believe this is crossing the line, but it does happen in real life NFL football all the time. A player is caught violating the substance abuse policy (ala performance enhancing drugs). The Williamses are both in court about the StarCaps incident, and my previous thread regarding Player Morale has a direct influence in me to start up this topic.
Imagine if we can go through a small type of mini-game to enhance a player (stat boosters) but it would have to be a tricky game that is a gamble like Russian Roulette. If you get caught, the player can serve a 4 week suspension. You can randomly take a 70 rated guy and boost him to an 85 quickly with the stat boosters (steroids) in a matter of weeks. Each time you play the mini-game, it becomes harder and the bigger your chances of getting caught. It needs to be completely random and catch you off guard. I am talking like, you're in the middle of a game and all of a sudden, after you finish your play the screen comes up and you got to act fast to beat the game. You lose, you get caught.
This is why the NFL made ESPN cancell the show "Playmakers". It touched on drugging and homosexuality in football. It was a great show for the 1 season it lasted. The NFL was having none of that.
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