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Old 03-19-2010, 08:13 AM   #1
OVR: 1
Join Date: Mar 2010
My strategy behind taking the plunge

Hello All,

I am really looking forward to getting into playing MLB 10. I bought the game a day or two after it was released although I have only played two exhibition games. Here's my dilemma - I'm a dad with limited time to play although I've been a gamer since the late 70's. I have also been currently playing Uncharted 2 (awesome game) and a little Call of Duty (long time COD gamer starting on the PC).

Here's what I'm thinking. During the weekdays I may get a chance to play any game a couple hours a week and the weekends maybe 3 to 5hrs. I want to finish Uncharted 2 (I'm at the Monastery) before moving on to MLB 10 and this would give the developers a chance to release additional patches and fixes before I really take the plunge into MLB 10. They've already released update #2. From reading multiple boards there appears to be plenty to fix.

So I think by holding off for awhile longer this would give the MLB 10 developers plenty of time to work out at least some of the kinks before I take the plunge and maybe this will avoid frustrations on my part.

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