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Old 03-24-2010, 07:52 PM   #14
All Star
allBthere's Arena
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Toronto
Re: developer diary 3

you know, I was always sold on the camera - and a whole new vision or method of making a sports game like they have.

But it's solidified even more after playing this year's 2k baseball game. Literally ALL I've played is my player mode. I think it's so addictive because the immersion factor is so much more intense and better when you're right down there on the field.

The blitz comments are getting a little awkward too...I mean did you watch the video? I don't see any super-human things going on, no helmets popping off, no bones breaking and no vengeful late hits. The comments are totally like I just don't see it.
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