04-24-2010, 02:05 PM
OVR: 55
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Minnesota
Re: Tecmo Bowl Throwback Hands-On Preview, $9.99 (PS3) 800 Points (360) Confirmed
I'll get the feelers out here once the game drops. Would you guys be interested in an OS ladder for Tecmo Bowl Throwback? I did one for APF and it was pretty successful.
Basically, I did it where you get 3 points for a win, 1 point for a loss. At the end of the ladder "season" we'd have a tournament with the seedings according to your ladder position (with a cutoff if necessary).
Users would simply report the result of who they played. Games only counted against other people involved in the ladder.
The big advantage to it was that it was very casual, so there was no time commitment necessary to be involved. It was fun. Just an idea.
Xbox Live Gamertag: CreatineKasey
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