your opinion on GameFlow?
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04-25-2010, 10:57 AM
OVR: 1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Re: your opinion on GameFlow?
Originally Posted by
What is your take one GamwFlow. Do you like it, love it, dislike it, etc.?
I personally like the feature. I always try to mimic the calls the real Redskins make every year. Having GameFlow will allow me to do this at a whole new level. This feature also aintroduces gameplanning. Another thing I think will be useful.
Also, I am assuming that GameFlow will also make the CPU play like its real life counterpart. This will add a level of immersion to the game and franchise mode. When playing each week I'll be faced with a new approach by the opposing team. This bwill make the game have more replay value, something it has lacked in previous years.
I love the idea of it, seems like it could have some real promise... as long as it doesnt turn out to be a repackaged "Ask Madden" feature with a different name
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