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Old 04-26-2010, 01:38 PM   #6
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Re: m11 new info on blocking/kicking/turbo (CD comments?)

Originally Posted by adembroski

Not my cup of tea. I like having that control. The locomotion overall is solid, and manages speed ok, but I found my guy running a bit slow in the open field. See the Reggie Bush run in the Brees interview video... you'll note he never quite kicks it into gear. I prefer to have the ability to "force" the sprint in those situations in case the AI doesn't quite figure out that it's time to up shift. No sprint button, to me, would be fine in a sport (such as, oh, say the 100 meter dash) where you're always trying to move as fast as possible.

Disclaimer: I've always been against removing the sprint button. I believe it represents a different running mentality. I believe sprint should be used for two instances- see the hole and hit it bursts, and break away runs. In all other cases, I believe it shouldn't be touched. I don't trust an AI to determine that's what I'm doing, and I don't believe the sticks on either the PS3 or 360 are designed well for fine tuning your pace. If the controllers had a bit more resistance, I'd be more open too it. I guess what I'm saying is it never was something I thought I'd like, so maybe I'm bias and I'll need more than a 2 days with the game to become accustom too it.

THAT SAID: one of justifications I heard for this was that players simply have a difficult time laying off it, especially newer players. By removing it entirely, you remove the temptation, and thus through that restriction, make the running game easier (as the over-use of the sprint button was, indeed, the most common cause of poor running games). From that perspective, I can understand it.

Dude, I completely agree with your take on the "sprint" button. While I understand the idea of taking it out by default - it worries me that might mean that it was not "tweaked" to be reflective of the new emphasis on ACC/AGI that game is gonna have!!!

I am completely dumbfounded by any gamer, sports or otherwise that actually endorses losing control over the players within the game!
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