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Old 04-27-2010, 03:51 PM   #120
OVR: 22
Join Date: Apr 2010
Blog Entries: 1
I have a question about the removal of the sprint button. Does it still work for QB's behind the LoS? Because you can't just be sprinting at full speed with the QB after the snap, that would create all kinds of problems as faras the passing game goes.

I know this is a bit off topic but, I think they should also change the configuration of the QB avoidance stick. It is my experience that hardly anyone uses it, mainly 'cause they have to take their finger off the left stick or the face buttons which slows down reaction time. My advice would be to put it on the Left stick, and in order to activate the avoidance system you would have to click L3 (PS3), and just move in the direction you want to move to.
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