05-04-2010, 12:51 AM
Re: Next Patch is coming soon
I have the pc version and i have to say, the graphics while smooth could have been better..I havent experienced any issues that have kept me from enjoying the game or More importantly, COST ME A GAME..
My biggest complaint would be that hitting seems random... The cpu will pull balls to left field no matter where the pitch is located?? the pitching system is a good idea but i find that i miss some pitches because of the right stick action, practice might cure that. Not glitch related..
To me this game is a step forward in the series, (a step that should have been taken 2 yrs ago)
I don't believe in patches, im 45 and i remember when games worked as is, out tha box...none of this "give us the money now and we'll fix the game later" crap
Last edited by blackscorpion11; 05-04-2010 at 01:06 AM.