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Old 05-04-2010, 01:41 PM   #11
OVR: 55
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Re: Tecmo Bowl Throwback Review

Originally Posted by coogrfan
"Chess like"? Are you kidding me? TSB isn't even "checkers like". A better comparison would be "rock, scissors, paper".

Don't get me wrong... I, too played the hell out of TSB back in the day. I also had braces and a mullet. Knowing what I now know, I'm in no hurry to repeat any of those experiences.

There's some chess like functions. For one, when you guess a run play but not the run play the offense ran, you get better support. This means TSB has both soft and hard counters. That gives it more than rock, paper, scissors depth IMO. There's a 50% chance you'll have "good" defense on a play, and a 12.5% chance you'll demolish the play. There's a 50% chance your D messes up hard.
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