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Old 05-07-2010, 11:07 PM   #38
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Re: Backbreaker Video: Running Game Tutorial

Originally Posted by jdr4693
This game reminds me a lot of the game SKATE. When it came out, it was very different, new and refreshing from what Tony Hawk had done. Skate implemented everything being done with the joystick just like Backbreaker is doing. While, Madden is the game that uses buttons like Tony Hawk did.
I thought the same thing a couple weeks ago, without the exact comparison. Funny thing is that this, now, after seeing this vid, the game reminds me a bit of NFL Gameday. I used to love holding the shoulder button then pressing X to REALLY hit an approaching tackler. I felt like Jim Brown, back in those days. Lol.

As for the running animation, yea, too upright but, heck, Madden hasn't had it right all this time until maybe now with Madden 11 so that may not matter. I have to get this game in my hands first to really see how it feels. Vids of a video game don't tell the whole story.
Just cuz you pour syrup on ish....
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