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Old 05-08-2010, 08:12 AM   #1
nuckles2k2's Arena
OVR: 13
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Queens, NY
Two additions I would like to see in MLB 11 (pitcher related)

Now, I'm a RTTS only guy and I mainly play as a pitcher. While I love the addition of the 3 different pickoff moves that we can do, I feel the cat-and-mouse game between pitchers and batters/base runners is incomplete.

I would like to be able to manually shake off my catcher while I'm on the rubber. Maybe they can tie it to R2, tap R2 once to call for the signs again and hold R2 down to shake off your catcher for a different pitch all together. And if you want to play games with someone, if you hold R2 and the corresponding button for the current pitch called your pitcher will shake his head but nothing has changed, except the batter's perception of what he's about to see coming out of your hand.

And the second thing is batters calling time out when you delay your delivery. I'm not talking about that cutscene that plays if you put your controller down for a few mins and it shows everyone standing around. But if I sit there and take 30 seconds between my set and delivery, I want to see batters calling time and stepping out to reset the clock in their head. Maybe if I give up a single and I want to hold the runner on first I could delay my delivery, force a timeout from the batter/umpire, then once I set again I can throw a few quick pickoff moves just to mess up the timing over at first.

Just a few suggestions.
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