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Old 05-21-2010, 07:26 PM   #363
Ice Cold
NoDakHusker's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by swaldo
Anyone know what "Form" means in pre-game options? It states "average" and you can't change it in the demo.

Also, regarding the interception issue, there are 3 modes - arcade, pro and ? The last one is not available in the demo, only the first two. In addition there are 3 difficulties - easy, medium and hard with all of them available in the demo.

Hopefully that additional unknown mode along with hard difficulty will cut down on the int's. And hopefully they were able to improve the QB AI between the demo build and final.
I assume form refers to player form, and that in exhibition games you can set it so players are in better form or something to that effect.
For the ? - that's custom, you can set it so maybe players don't glow but the ball still glows. Basically choosing what you like from arcade and pro, and making a custom setting.
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