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Old 05-24-2010, 11:57 AM   #982
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Demoncrom
Point well taken, I can see why some people will not play it just because of the camera angle.

On the other hand I am a big fan of Football in general I can't get enough of the stuff, but I am also a gamer and have been for a long time. I usually buy NCAA to play for a month before Madden hits only because the style of college ball differs from pro. I play Madden during the season cause I want my Bears to win the title every year and Madden is the only game in town but it's not always the most fun game in town. Then I go back to All Pro 8 during the off season because to me it's a fun game, back breaker will replace Ap8 in my rotation this year.

I remember when Madden tried to play with the cam angle and everyone said go back to the classic view. I also remember when the isometric view was the only way to play football and it took people a while to accept Maddens view. BB to me takes 2k4s failed on field 1st person view and Madden very boring Superstar modes and makes it into a playable game.

The sad thing about people not wanting to learn how to play other football games or not willing to accept a change is that it limits the options for all of us. In the end - a game like BB if successful will give EA yet another reason to get off the pot. I am all for that.

Based on the number or lack of players on these forums and the range of comments and lack of advertising BB is going to have an uphill road - but me Im buying it 1st day and I will put all my peoples on to it, just like I did with 2k and Gameday before that.
Here is where I disagree, just because it's "change" doesn't mean that: A.) It's good, or B.) I have to like it. Change for changes sake is nothing but that.
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