05-27-2010, 09:54 PM
Re: MLB '10: The Show Rosters: OS Full Minors V.1
How about a release without the lineups. I don't do 30 team control so the lineups will be screwed after ST anyway. I'm sure if all the players are done people don't really care about having the opening day lineup set for all 30 teams. Then again I could be wrong.
P.S. I am impatient and a baby so when I saw that we are waiting another day after I read "I just got home from work and can just about guarantee a release of v2 tomorrow night(maybe late)...so it will be ready for the Memorial Day Weekend." I am throwing a little tantrum.
Last edited by RentToOwnage; 05-27-2010 at 09:58 PM.
Reason: words.